Thursday, December 20, 2007


The other night (Sunday, December 16, 2007) my vaunted Appleworks-V tied itself in knots. First time ever; and I use it a lot.
What I usually do is type into Appleworks so I can use their spellcheck.
AW5 also has all my macros, so I can add “weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth” without having to type it out.
“Awful temerity and unmitigated gall and horrific audacity” is also a macro.
My HTML-tags are also macros, even the color-tags.
So what happens is after the file is generated, and spellchecked, I copy/paste it into the final whatever: e-mail, blog, FlagOut.
So here I am, generating a response in Appleworks-V to the bluster-boy’s usual rotten tomatoes. I select-all, and copy-paste into the FlagOut response-window, as I’ve done thousands of times.
Boom! The previous clipboard pastes in, which has nothing to do with his fulminations.
Okay; looks like I failed to copy the AW file I just did. Select-all, copy-paste, and try again.
Boom! Same old previous clipboard.
What in the wide, wide world is going on here? I select-all and copy-paste. Again; still the previous clipboard.
Okay, “view clipboard.” Very interesting. The contents is is my most recent AW file, so I paste that and get the previous clipboard, which “view-clipboard” says no longer exists.
Meanwhile, Appleworks has disappeared from my desktop, so I click on the icon in the dock.
Doing so brings the clicked app to the front, but in this case nothing.
Uh-oh..... Looks like Appleworks-V, my most reliable and most-used app, has lost its way.
Reboot time.
I “restart,” and fire up Appleworks-V again. Back to normal. Sweetness-and-light.

  • “FlagOut” is our family’s web-site, named that because I had a mentally-retarded kid-brother (Down Syndrome) who lived at home, and loudly insisted the flag be flown every day. “Flag-Out! Sun comes up, the flag goes up! Sun goes down, the flag comes down.” I fly the flag partly in his honor. (He died at 14 in 1968.)
  • “The bluster-boy” is my all-knowing, blowhard brother-in-Boston, who noisily badmouths everything I do or say — (“rotten tomatoes”).
  • “App” is software application.

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