Friday, August 10, 2007


A huge passel of uncompleted errands has piled up — so many it has become intimidating and time-consuming.
I suppose the biggest of all is the purchase of a car to replace our 2003 Honda CR-V, which we aren’t that happy with.
A number of uncompleted items stand in the way (a number have already been dispatched).
We have pretty much decided on a Suzuki SX-4 (this needs FlashPlayer), but reports say it makes a lot of racket at highway-speed, so I’d still like to road-test it for that.
A second impediment is knowing the relative value of both an SX-4 and our trade-in CR-V so we don’t get fleeced.
When I bought the Bucktooth Bathtub I appeared with a sheaf of printouts that told me what to expect.
Probably saved about $2,000.
Other errands are -1) Verizon, and -2) a shredder. Verizon and my shredder-store (Office-Max) are in the same plaza, so if I do one, I should do the other.
Verizon is updating our cellphone service, and probably replacing our phones. I ain’t interested is 89 bazilyun features. To me a cellphone is only freedom from the landline network; I don’t need it to start our dinner from across the universe, or shoot shaky video for You-Tube.
Another errand is handing our old VCR over to charity. We also had old dogfood for Sabrina Killian refused to eat. Handing it over was a separate errand.
Other errands are the camera-bag and ‘pyooter-equipment.
The camera-bag is the camera-store in deepest, darkest Rochester, about 1.75 hours round-trip.
The ‘pyooter-store is a little more than an hour — it’s in a suburb of Rochester.
I usually have to pile two or more errands into one trip — if in the same general direction, so that I got home from the camera-store about 5, after leaving the Canandaigua YMCA about 3.
The ‘pyooter-store errand got combined with others, including a trip to mighty Weggers, such that I got home about 5:15.
And I have to return to both stores — both were only ordering. More long trips required.
I would say our dog Killian is who suffers most. Often I have to be gone 5-6 hours, and often he’s alone in the house while I’m gone. Throw in that I often have to buy gas, hit Weggers at least twice a week, occasional forays to the funky food-market (about 45 minutes), plus getting rid of produce at the mighty Mezz, and I hardly have time to mow lawn.
There also are occasional car-appointments, the Hairman, and doctor-appointments. Riding motorbike is near impossible, and I no longer have an excuse to ride it; like riding to work. (I can’t run errands on it, because I can’t carry much.)
Plus we need to replace our extension-ladder — we have a wooden one that’s too heavy for us old folks.
I have little time for fun; ‘pyooter machinations get combined with eating, and what little reading I can do gets done on the can.
I guess I’m doing what I can stand, but it’s irksome so much gets shoved to mañana.

  • “The Bucktooth Bathtub” is our 2005 Toyota Sienna van; called that because it’s white and like sitting in a bathtub, and appears to have a bucktooth on the grill.
  • “Sabrina” and “Killian” are the two Irish-Setter rescue dogs we had. Sabrina died last March; Killian is still alive.
  • “Mighty Weggers” is Wegmans, a large supermarket-chain based in Rochester we often buy groceries at.
  • “The funky food-market” is Lori’s Natural Foods, south of Rochester in Henrietta — a source for salt-free cereal, sauce, etc.
  • RE: “Getting rid of produce at the mighty Mezz......” We have a garden which generates excess produce, which we unload at “The mighty Mezz,” the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, where I once worked.
  • “The Hairman” is my hairdresser.
  • RE: “riding to work.......” I retired almost two years ago.

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