Saturday, August 11, 2007

Incident on Buffalo St.

The other day (Wednesday, August 8, 2007) I visited the mighty Mezz to unload excess produce from our garden.
The mighty Mezz is on Buffalo St. in Canandaigua, a street that goes WEST (east; north; south; WHATEVER; looks west to me) from State Route 332, the main north-south drag through Canandaigua.
The intersection of Buffalo St. with 332 is major enough to require a traffic-light, and separate turn lanes; such that Buffalo St. separates into three lanes as it approaches Route 332: -1) a right-turn lane, -2) a left-turn and through lane in the middle, and -3) a lane for opposing traffic.
So leaving the Mezz I drive up Buffalo St toward 332, merging into the left-turn lane; since I am planning to turn left onto 332.
A Ford Focus behind me merges into the right-turn lane, right-turn signal on.
But then as the traffic-light changes, the Focus suddenly swoops left, and turns in front of me, from the right-turn lane with her right-turn signal still on.
No Dubya-sticker, but a place where one was.

  • “The mighty Mezz” is the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, where I once worked.
  • RE: “WEST (east; north; south; WHATEVER; looks west to me):” my brother (in-Boston) and I have been having a torrid argument over whether I can sense direction as well as he. It started when I mentioned that a certain road in northern-Delaware, where we long-ago lived, went mainly west-east. He loudly claims it’s north-south. Actually it’s mainly northwest-southeast. But next to the suburban development we lived in it mainly went west-east. (So that walking eastward along it, you were walking into the dawning sun.)
  • “Dubya-04 sticker” is a Bush-Cheney 2004 bumper-sticker. Just about every insane traffic-move I see involves a Dubya-sticker; e.g. running red-lights, cutting people off, signaling right and then turning left, etc.

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