Friday, July 27, 2007

Park Ave.

The Keed.
So here I am quietly driving east (north south west WHATEVER; looks east to me) down the West Avenue hill into deepest-darkest Canandaigua headed for the vaunted Canandaigua YMCA.
West Avenue used to be 5&20 from the west, until they built the bypass, which actually skirts Canandaigua.
I remember that West Avenue is being reconstructed, such that a portion is closed and a detour posted.
But that detour has me going all over Canandaigua to get to the shopping-plaza where I park.
So I decide to take a side-street, and do my own detour to the shopping-plaza.
I turn left (north) on the side-street, and then right (east) on what I think is W. Gibson St., except it’s signed as Park Ave.
The Canandaigua YMCA is on Route 332 (the main-drag in Canandaigua) at Park Ave. — but that’s two blocks south and parallel to the street I’m on. (That Y is at least a mile away.)
Well, WHATEVER; they got Park Ave. zig-zagging all over the city, so maybe that makes sense.
Turn right before the railroad-crossing, the street that takes me to the shopping-plaza.
So I do, and find that again I’m on Park Ave.
Well okay; they got Park Ave. zagging two blocks over to the Park Ave. I just turned off of.
Then I bomb through a T-intersection of Park Ave. with Park Ave. (pictured).
Leaving the YMCA I went back to get a picture. A guy was coming out of his house, and wondered why I was taking a picture.
“The most amazing street-signage I have ever seen,” I said.
Reminds me of the house-numbering on our side of the street: 2403/2415/2435/2407.

  • RE: “east (north south west WHATEVER; looks east to me).......” My loudmouthed macho brother-in-Boston and I have been having an argument as to compass-direction of a road in northern-Delaware. He noisily insists it’s north-south; what I long ago walked on was west-east.
  • “5&20” is the main east-west road through our area; State Route 5 and U.S. Route 20, both on the same road. 5&20 is just south of where we live.
  • “(ENGINEER ALERT!)” because my loudmouthed macho brother-in-Boston was trained as an engineer, and claims he is vastly superior to anyone who wasn’t.

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