Tuesday, December 26, 2006


  • The web-cam at the mighty Curve has auto-focused on the housing; which means the tracks are a big blur.
    It was raining there yesterday, and HUGE-AAAAHHHHH drops had settled on the housing, so the web-cam autofocused on them.
    It ain’t raining there now, but the housing has dirt on it, so the web-cam is still focused on the housing.
    It’s frustrating, but ya can still see the trains. In about 20 minutes I’ve seen three — two up and one down. Woops, there goes another! (Up.) Four in 25 minutes. Ain’t nuthin’ like the mighty Curve.
  • We went to the so-called elitist country-club this morning — raining slightly.
    Every time I exit our driveway, if I see anyone coming the way I’m going, I usually wait. The idea is to not inflame speeding Intimidators with my accelerating from a stop.
    To head north I look down 65, and the look is almost a mile.
    No cars; so I pulled out onto the highway. I advanced about a “hundered” yards; and saw a glowering Intimidator speeding toward my rear bumper. It was a red F150 Ford pickup, headlights glaring; clearly doing way over the 40 mph speed-limit. It was a flareside; i.e. can’t carry much. In other words, just a macho-machine.
    I flicked on my turn-signal; signaling my intent to turn right at the upcoming intersection toward the park — but Intimidator was angry I wasn’t doing 89 bazilyun mph, and had pulled out on the highway even though he wasn’t visible when I did.
    So he swooped across the double-yellow and passed me into the intersection.
    I looked, and sure enough: W-04 on the tailgate.
  • The other night ABC-news did a report on the “Left-Behind” Christian video-game.
    They showed a clip of an animation of some guy proselytizing a non-believer, Bible swooping up-and-down, furious thumping.
    It didn’t work, so the proselytizer machine-gunned the unbeliever with a blazing Uzi.
    Zealots were machine-gunning non-believers willy-nilly.
    “Not as many ‘spirit-points’ as a conversion,” a game-promoter commented.

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