Sunday, October 08, 2006

poor planning

Today (Tuesday, October 3) we were supposed to get a delivery of mulch in the morning. We also had scheduled inspection for the bucktooth-bathtub at 2 in the afternoon.
Needless to say, the mulch did not arrive in the morning, as promised, but arrived as I was about to set out to the Toy-store.
Our driveway is only one lane wide: poor planning; should have been wide enough to land a 747.
And then, of course, the mulch deliverer wanted to place her load on the shed-pad.
“Should I put the mulch on that pad?”
“Nope; over here.”
“Sure don’t want it on that pad?”
“Nope; that pad is for a shed.”
“I could put it there if you want.”
“Nope; over here.”
Poor-planning. We should have poured (set/placed/whatever) that shed-pad after the mulch was delivered, so as to not confuse the deliverer.
And poor-planning. We should have allowed for the fact the mulch-deliverer might not have showed up when promised — that she might show up when I wanted to go to the Toy-store.
And of course, as I headed for the Toy-store, I had to fend off Dubya supporters making unsignaled turns. A giant, white F150 arced right across my bow and I had to slam on the brakes. That wasn’t the onliest drama; just the most dramatic of about five.


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