Saturday, October 07, 2006

on gardening

Once a week, the morning-man on the classical-music radio-station we listen to airs an audio-feature on gardening, recorded by Anne Stonehocker.
It’s one of the locally-produced audio-features he plays throughout the week; from history through marching-band music.
Where they ever dredged up this lady I’ll never know; probably because she has an English accent, like the morning-man. She sounds like she’s gonna bite your head off. Her plants better tow the line.
For years, the mighty Mezz ran a gardening column called “Green Thumb,” by Doc and Katy Abraham. Apparently their column was syndicated nationwide, but Doc and Katy were from nearby Naples, at the south end of Canandaigua Lake; therefore part of the Messenger readership area. (They also had a radio-program.)
Doc was far more down to earth: “Don’t dry out your parsley; it tastes like baled hay.” “I’ll tell ya what’s wrong with that plant. It’s dead!”
Doc died last year (89), and Katy soon after.
We had to stop publishing their gardening-column; even though I still had material.
A nature-trail in Naples was named in their honor.
But Stonehocker drones on and on, snapping and snarling. (Anne Stonehocker) (Doc and Katy)


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