Friday, October 06, 2006


Self-declared paragon of virtue and righteousness Newt Gingrich (didn’t he get divorced?) has weighed in on the Mark Foley sex scandal.
He said the scandal was little more than a Liberial and Democratic plot to take over the House.
Oh, I get it; Foley can run amuck until after the election. Or better yet, he can run amuck because he is REPUBLICAN.
Hastert claims “the buck stops here” (Truman was a Democrat), but won’t resign.
Yet tub-thumping Limbaugh and Drudge jumped on Clintski like leaches.
What stands out is Gingrich’s use of the dreaded L-word.
Mud has been flying on the local airwaves.
First the Democratic candidate for Randy Kuhl’s Congressional seat charged Kuhl was raiding the cookie-jar, in bed with Halliburton.
Kuhl responded by bringing in a Big Gun — vice-president Dick Cheney — “sorry I got in the way of your bird-shot, Mr. vice-president.”
Kuhl has now labeled his opponent “a Liberial.”
Sorry, but the Declaration of Independence is a “Liberal” document, as is The Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
This nation was founded by “Liberials,” on “Liberial” principles, like freedom of speech and the press. Jefferson was a “Liberial.”
If the Conservatives had had their way, we’d still be curtsying to Queenie.


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