Thursday, October 12, 2006


The results are back from my most recent blood-tests, and my doctor advised I could discontinue the iron-tablets and B-12.
The blood-test — unfortunately not a fasting blood-test — was part of a battery of tests to assess why I felt funny, and perhaps explain the “episodes.”
The tests were a heart stress-test last month (which I blew through with flying colors), carotid-artery ultra-sound, brain cat-scan, and a 24-hour continuous heart-monitor halter.
The heart-monitor is today (1/16) — the last test. It was delayed due to a ‘pyooter-crash.
“Why are you even taking those pills anyway?” the doctor asked.
“Well, various all-knowing relatives suggested I should.”
“I also have a brother who advises the Arby’s Pig-Out Menu, and heavy intake of Mountain Dew, which he calls ‘the elixir of fabulous health.’”
“I have another brother who suggests I glom 14 hard-boiled eggs at a sitting, preferably while doing 152 mph in my car.”
“Well don’t do it!” the doctor advised. “Mountain Dew will blow your sugar out of sight — your kidneys too; and 14 hard-boiled eggs, and the Arby’s Pig-Out Menu, would blow your cholesterol. No 152 mph either. You don’t see me coming here at 152 mph.”
Actually there were three blood-draws, or maybe four. I’m sure that includes a thyroid-check, and blood-sugar.
What will be interesting is if this battery of tests reveals nothing. No fevered phonecalls regarding the ultra-sound or cat-scan. I also had a dream the blood-tests might indicate an organ transplant, but I guess not.
So I ran out the iron-tablets, and may do the same with the B-12. Waste not, want not.
“All you’re doing is filling up your septic. You might as well flush ‘em directly.”

RE: Heart-monitor:
Installation was fairly simple: “lift your shirt so I can install these patches.”
“Now, in case the monitor becomes disconnected; this is how you reconnect it.”
“Hold it! Wait just one cotton-pickin’ minute.” You’re dealing with the keed. “I have to do it myself, to understand how it works. I don’t want this test to go to waste.”
“Insert the connecter until you feel it hit this slot, then reconnect.”
“Now, push it tight.”
“What, pray tell, are you talking about? I have to do it myself.
“Gimme that. Here, let me try it. This thing may come apart, and I have to know I’ve successfully reconnected it. Watching you do it is not enough.”
The reason the Keed could drive the site was because of asking questions like that. “Don’t think. Just do.” “Ex-KYOOZE me, but if I don’t understand it, I can’t do it.”


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