Thursday, October 12, 2006


This past week I wrote an e-mail to the chairman of the Boughton Park Board (the controlling entity for the so-called elitist country-club), explaining that I’d retired from the mighty Mezz, and could therefore go to the park quite a bit more often.
I was on the Park Board for some time, but meetings became a hairball, largely because they were on Thursday night, the same day we uploaded five Post web-sites.
I might get done at 5:30 or 6, after which I had to rush home (half-hour drive home), and glom supper so I could attend a Boughton Park Board meeting 10 minutes away at 7:30.
If I had been able to leave the mighty Mezz by 4, I could have done it. It’s also why I quit attending the 8 o’clock Union-meeting, also on a Thursday. Getting to it (Rochester) took an hour.
The chairman dutifully congratulated me on retirement. I guess he’s fast approaching retirement himself, so he wondered if he could accomodate the change.
Some are anxious to retire, and others don’t want to retire, he said. I think I would have been anxious to retire from Transit, if I could have made it. It would have always entailed getting up at 3 or 4 a.m.
Even in the city (4:30-5 a.m.) I was starting to have to take naps. But I didn’t want to retire from the mighty Mezz. The Night-Spots were irksome, but I really liked doing the web-site, even if it was a daily crap-shoot.
But I had no choice. Episodes kept occuring, which to me was a sign. The dreaded Night-Spots had blown me up, just as I feared they might.
(I had tried to dump the Night-Spots on numerous occasions, but they kept wanting me to do them.)
So we had to pull the plug altogether. Linda has ratcheted back to doing a few hours a week for the West Bloomfield Post-Office, but I am doing nothing at all. (I suppose cutting back to 25 hours per week at the mighty Mezz from 45 was the same, but it was also like trying to force a quart into a pint-pot.
I haven’t had much time to be “bored” (as they suggest at the mighty Mezz). I’ve been running all over trying to chase down what made me retire in the first place.


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