Thursday, September 07, 2006


  • Today (Thursday, September 7) I set out for the PT-gym about 8:05 a.m., which is the tailend of NASCAR-rush hour for the stolid burghers that run this great land.
    Heading east on 5&20 I fell in behind a schoolbus, that stopped every half-mile to pick up kids. Often they pull over to let the jam-up past, but this one didn’t. I was #5 out of 20.
    The many cars in the jam-up were hot to get around the schoolbus. I remember a tan Aztek blasting over the double-yellow.
    East of Toomey’s Corners (a traffic-light) is an intersection with a small rural crossroad. The schoolbus stopped about 100 yards (a football field) past it to pick up kids.
    A ratty red S-10 pickup was juking at the intersection, and since I put so much gap between me and the car ahead, he pulled out in front of me.
    Well okay, but suddenly a motorcycle appeared in the oncoming lane having just passed the slowing schoolbus (flashing yellow lights).
    “Uh-oh,” I thought. I bet that S-10 driver pulled out assuming nothing would have passed the schoolbus.
    Fortunately the motorcycle was far enough away he didn’t have to take evasive action. In fact, he didn’t do anything. He had time.
    The S-10 was disappearing across the street as I passed. Sure enough; a Dubya-sticker on the tailgate (held closed with a bungee-cord).
  • After the PT-gym I stopped at mighty Weggers for milk and a peach. Before leaving, having a long drive home, I hit the men’s-room, but when I came out my cart was gone.
    I looked around and saw a cart similar to mine, except it had only tomatoes and bread, so I gave up and went to the service-desk.
    “Attention shoppers. Please check your cart, and if you have the wrong one, please return it to the service-area.”
    Thrump-thrump. Minutes passed. Finally, after being accosted twice by clerks anxious to help me, and Granny pushing past to buy a lottery-ticket, my original contact came out and we began looking for my cart near the men’s-room.
    “That’s it,” I said.
    “Often people seeing they have the wrong cart just push it aside, and retrieve the cart they had.”
    Order restored. Weggers is not out $7. Danny buys another gallon for his TestaRossa.

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