Friday, December 29, 2017

Weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth

I have begun unsubscribing again; another feeble attempt to reduce my number of “junk” e-mails.
I guess Windoze calls ‘em “spam,” or perhaps not. Maybe they call ‘em “unsafe.”
I have two levels of spam-protection. First is RoadRunner, my Internet-Service-Provider. Second is this machine, my “AppleMail” e-mail app.
RoadRunner I pay little heed to — only when I’m away and hafta use their webmail.
RoadRunner filters out porn or anti-porn = sex-offender notification. Plus links, which occasionally contain viruses. Sometimes they get through, so I just “trash” ‘em locally.
AppleMail filters out unwanted business and charity solicitations, plus stuff I’ve labelled “junk.” What I’m doing is going through all the AppleMail “junk” to “unsubscribe.”
I don’t know as the average working person can do this; they just “trash” everything in one fell swoop. That’s what I used to do, but it can be dangerous, as valid e-mail may be in my “junk.”
Facebook and Amazon shipping notifications are occasionally “junk.” A rescue Irish-Setter site in north Jersey was made “safe,” but often ends up in “junk” anyway.
Being a retiree I have time to pore through “junk.” Come lawn-mowing I won’t. I also no longer have a dog to walk.
So go through all my AppleMail “junk” to “unsubscribe.” The “junk”-sites are often secretive about “unsubscribing.” “Click here” to unsubscribe buried in bottom text. Sometimes “unsubscribe” doesn’t look like a link — it’s not colored as such. (My mouse has to be the “hand” thingy.)
I hafta look for “unsubscribe:” perhaps 10-15 seconds per site; occasionally longer. “Unsubscribing” 30 or more junkers may blow an entire hour. Snowed in I can spare that, but start mowing and I hope I’ve “unsubscribed” enough already.
And then there are the sites a MAC can’t crunch. (I drive an Apple Macintosh — GASP!) Jesus drives a Windoze PC I was told. MACs are of-the-Devil. Apple is the Devil incarnate, or at least was.
Perhaps Windoze can’t crunch the sites either. All I get are tiny art-boxes enclosing question-marks. Those sites may have been generated by geeks in Indonesia with no ‘pyooter savvy whatsoever.
No “unsubscribe.”
Sometimes the unsubscribes want survey input: like why I do not wanna receive “delightful, life-affirming, money-saving marketing e-mails.” Oh come-on, dudes! Often I don’t answer, but sometimes it’s only one or two questions. Often the “unsubscribe” wants “e-mail preferences.” I gotta hunt for a full “unsubscribe;” and they’re usually secretive about it.
One of the responses may be “I never subscribed.” La-dee-dah! That’s true, but if I order anything online, I’m thereby subscribing. (I am?)
Various sites seem to all be using a generic website. It uses my browser, and always gets the same display. Fill in e-mail address and then click a “remove” button.
Sometimes the e-mail address autofills, but sometimes I hafta crank in my address manually. Make sure my sloppy keyboarding (stroke survivor) doesn’t type mistakes. My address is Yesterday I erroneously put in a space (rhughes3@[space] that made it invalid. Often that input is just dots, including the space. I hafta know I can make that mistake to solve it.
“We’re sorry to see you go,” the site always says. ZAP! “Unsubscribe successful.“

• “Windoze” is Microsoft’s Windows©. —MAC user posturing.
• A “rescue Irish Setter” is an Irish Setter rescued from a bad home; e.g. abusive or a puppy-mill. By getting a rescue-dog we avoid puppydom, but the dog is often messed up. My previous Irish-Setter was from a failed backyard breeder.
• I had a stroke October 26th, 1993 from an undiagnosed heart-defect since repaired. I pretty much recovered. Just tiny detriments; I can pass for never having had a stroke.



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