Friday, August 18, 2017

E-mail to ******

(“******” is my friend *** ******, ex of the Mighty Mezz. ****** was a graphic-artist; me sort of an editorial-assistant.
I called him “The MacEvangelist;” he is more-or-less responsible for my using an Apple Macintosh computer instead of a Windoze PC.
He now lives in Syracuse, and had been offline a couple months while his ‘pyooter needed repair.
What follows is my response to his e-mail announcing he was back online. He mentioned he didn’t miss Facebook at all)

RE: “Cesspool that is Facebook”
I still have one — I more-or-less put up with it. I haven’t looked at it a couple weeks.
Perhaps the only reason I even looked at it, so it seems, is when you used it to promote yourself, usually a graphic you created.
I’d notice I had “notifications,” so I triggered ‘em.
Don’t know as I can rely on that any more. Seems Facebook changed something. No longer do I get Facebook e-mails a ”friend” posted something.
Facebook always does that: sudden unannounced changes by their vaunted tech-mavens.
I don’t miss those e-mails. But if I wanna see a “friend’s” most recent posts, I have to go to their Facebook. Like I have nothing better or more enjoyable to do.
Various of my siblings set up a private family Facebook group, although it seems tilted toward the younguns. —I’m the oldest, the first-born of seven. Only four remain. Of the other three, only two participate in Facebook, and they use it as e-mail.
I was always badmouthed as rebellious and reprehensible, mainly because I don’t attend church, plus I’m not REPUBLICAN/
like them. I’m a “bleeding-heart liberal” (gasp) and worse-yet a Democrat. (Double-gasp!)
It’s like I don’t exist! My baby-sister from VA is threatening to visit, but I don’t know details because I don’t Facebook.
Haven’t they heard of e-mail, or the phone?
My brother-from-Boston, who I chase trains with, and is 13 years younger than me, is the other non-participant.
“I got plenty of friends,” he says. He never joined. I did, but that was because of a fast-one on their part. (Thank you SuckerBird!)
And every time I fire up Facebook it parades a forest of complete unknowns I might wanna “friend.” —As if my number of “friends” determines my worth.
I let it continue because so many actual friends have Facebooks. But as an actual friend said, “Facebook is for those lacking a life.”

• The “Mighty Mezz” is the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired over 11 years ago. Best job I ever had — I worked there almost 10 years (over 11 if you count my time as a post-stroke unpaid intern [I had a stroke October 26th, 1993, from which I recovered fairly well]).
• “SuckerBird” is Mark Zuckerberg, head-honcho of Facebook.



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