Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Yesterday (Monday, December 6, 2010) I got a “progress-report” from the SilverSneakers® program.
SilverSneakers® is nationwide, I guess, a program for oldsters like me to stay in shape.
My health-insurance pays my membership at the Canandaigua YMCA through the SilverSneakers program. —Where I work out in their Exercise-Gym (“Wellness Center”).
“Congratulations,” it said. “You made 12 visits to participating locations (the YMCA) in July of 2010, as opposed to the national average of 7.64 visits per male participant in SilverSneakers.
And eight in August versus 7.87, and nine in September versus 7.52.”
Uh-DUH! Yeah, and it wasn’t intentional.
I wasn’t trying to score points.
I was able to hit the YMCA 12 times in July, eight in August, and nine in September.
I’m one of the regulars.
There were probably medical appointments and/or trips in August and September that made more frequent visits impossible.
I try to do the YMCA Exercise-Gym three days per week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Each workout is about three hours; about 1&1/2-to-two on cardiovascular machines, and the rest on other machines, weights, and stretching.
I consider it my endeavor to stay alive.
What the “progress-report” doesn’t detail is the excess poundage I’ve lost — and my improved balance.
I can still run, albeit very slowly.
What I say is my knees still let me.
The Canandaigua YMCA has a giant outside staircase out front, about 20-25 steps climbing perhaps 15 feet.
I ascend those steps two at a time.
“How come you’re doing that?” people ask. “That’s a workout before you even got here.”
“Because I still can,” I answer.
“If I quit trying, I’d get so I couldn’t.”

• RE: “Oldsters like me......” —I’m 66.
• “Canandaigua” (“cannan-DAY-gwuh”) is a small city nearby where we live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” —It’s about 15 miles away.



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