Tuesday, January 19, 2010


“Please be considerate of other members. Cellular telephone use restricted to the lobby.”
So says a sign on the door to the Canandaigua YMCA exercise-gym.
Good luck with that!
Cellphone use has become so common, users feel entitled to flaunt the traffic law against cellphone use while driving.
And imperil others.
I’ve had it happen.
Got run off the road by a cellphone user.
And almost backed into in the Honeoye Falls MarketPlace parking-lot.
And yelling at her and knocking on her window wasn’t dissuading her from pursuing her cellphone call.
She kept right on yammering, oblivious to the fact she’d nearly run me over.
As if it were my fault.
How many times have I passed drivers with cellphones plastered to their ears?
Plus the lady bellyaching because she’d got nailed by the State Police for cellphone use while driving, and had to pay a $130 fine.
So here I am quietly cranking away on a cardio machine at the YMCA, when all-of-a-sudden “Dat-da-da-dah-dah; dat-da-da-dah-dah; dat-da-da-dah-dah; dat-da-da-da-daaaahhhhhh!”
An electronic rendering of Wagner’s “Ride Of The Valkyries,” two machines to my left.
“Hello. I’m working out at the ‘Y.’”
Or an electronic rendering of “When the Saints Go Marching In.”
“I’m at the ‘Y,’ honey. I love you too.”
And then there’s the bleached blonde that strides in, mounts a treadmill in her faded baby-blue nurse’s scrubs, wicks it up to a 4 mph walk, and immediately unholsters her cellphone to call her mother to complain about her husband.
“Yada-yada-yada-yada;” a loud piercing voice that drills right through ya.
If I said anything, I’d probably get smacked.
My cellphone stays in my locker — and goes unanswered while driving.

• I work out in the Canandaigua YMCA exercise-gym. (“Canandaigua” [“cannon-DAY-gwuh”] is a small city to the east nearby where we live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” —It’s about 15 miles away.)
• “Honeoye (‘HONE-eee-oy’) Falls” is the nearest town to the west to where we live, a rural town about five miles away. It has an independent supermarket called MarketPlace.
• Cellphone use while driving is illegal in New York state.
• A “cardio machine” is a cardiovascular exercise machine.


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