Sunday, August 30, 2009

Not worth it!

Continuing Facebook frustration
—1) Dave Wheeler, an editor at the Daily Messenger newspaper, from where I retired almost four years ago (best job I ever had), is a Facebook “friend.”
This means he has a Facebook, like me, and that I get notifications of his every rumination.
No problem with that — Wheeler is a bit off-the-wall; but so am I.
My Facebook profile-photo of me sticking my tongue out is by him.
My e-mail is RoadRunner through Netscape; an old way of doing things, but I’ve never got around to G-Mail. And Netscape is adequate.
Facebook sends me e-mail notifications of any comment to anything I said to Wheeler, so something about a “Julie”-post is in my e-mail.
I’ve limited e-mails from Facebook, which means I could probably screen out such-same; but I don’t mind e-mails regarding Wheeler, so I haven’t.
Facebook has e-mailed me a link, I suppose to the actual Julie-post.
“Don’t bother,” I think. I know from prior experience.
Click the link and it fires up the Facebook log-in page in my Netscape browser.
What a pain! I’m already logged in on my FireFox browser; it saves my open tabs, one of which is Facebook.
Okay, suppose I attempt to log in with my Netscape browser.
At this point Facebook displays its dismay with the Netscape browser and hangs.
Okay, switch to FireFox browser and fire up Wheeler’s Facebook.
Root all through it trying to find Julie’s comment; No such luck!
“Not worth it,”
I say.
Julie’s comment was listed in the e-mail, and it wasn’t very relevant.
This has happened before — seems like a Facebook thing.
Sometimes I find the comment and sometimes I don’t.
What’s most irksome is Facebook not liking my Netscape browser.

—2) May Rogers, my Aunt May, is 79 years old.
My Aunt May was the last of my paternal grandparents’ spawn; and the last surviving.
She was a teenager when my sister and I were born. I’m 1944, my sister is 1945, and my Aunt May is 1930.
Born in the depths of the Depression, she was always told she was a mistake. It was well before birth-control.
This did wonders for her self-esteem.
Aunt May was sort of an advocate for my sister and I.
She has a Facebook, which may put her in the running as the oldest Facebook user.
But probably not. With 89 bazilyun Facebookers, I bet some are in their 80s.
But I think she may have the fewest “friends.”
Last I knew, she only had one, my brother Bill in northern Delaware, the Facebook evangelist.
Another Facebook e-mail appeared; this one stating Bill has suggested I make Aunt May a “friend.”
Another link.
Engage guile-and-cunning.
Copy link, and paste it into my FireFox.
VIOLA; but Aunt May has two Facebooks.

HMMMMMMMNNNNNNN........... (Screenshot by the mighty MAC.)

I honestly don’t think this was Aunt May’s doing. Her pursuit of Facebook is really my brother Bill.
So I won’t respond to her “friend” request until those all-knowing, ‘pyooter-savvy Delawareans straighten things out.
I also don’t think it’s a Facebook glitch.
But I’m always aware of the seeming superiority of my family’s web-site, which was great until you tried to load a video.
Blew it right up; Facebook can handle a video.
My family’s web-site is an old application; Facebook much newer.
But my family’s web-site didn’t character-limit my posts, nor shower me with reports of every burp and fart.
So I wonder if you could do multiple accounts with the same name on my family’s web-site?
I suppose you could.
So I guess I could have 89 bazilyun Facebooks.

• “FireFox” is a computer application that brings up and displays Internet web-sites; a “browser.” The Netscape computer application has an Internet browser too; plus earlier versions of Netscape have an e-mail application. RoadRunner (Time Warner) is my cable Internet-service-provider (“ISP”), but I can also download e-mail from the PoP-server with my Netscape e-mail program. Or create e-mails to send.
• RE: “Mighty MAC......” —All my siblings use Windows PCs, but I use an Apple MacIntosh (“MAC”), so I am therefore stupid and of-the-Devil.
• “‘Pyooter” is computer.
• RE: “All-knowing, ‘pyooter-savvy........” —All my siblings are tub-thumping born-again Christians. And since I’m not, I’m stupid, technically challenged, inferior and of-the-Devil.
• RE: “Character-limit my posts......” —Facebook has a “character-limit” to posts as text. Much larger than Twitter®; what gets posted is limited to so many characters. Usually what I add is short enough to be within the character-limit, but there have been times I had to divide a comment into two posts, to be within the character-limit.

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