Sunday, June 29, 2008


I’m at the mighty Canandaigua Weggers (today; Sunday, June 29, 2008), wheeling my cart outta the store.
It ain’t the wussy-cart, nor is it the large cart; the one I say is “as big as a Buick” — the one Mother-Dear would use.
Rather, it’s the middle-sized cart, although I probably coulda got by with a wussy-cart. (I often do; I ain’t buyin’ that much.)
I exit the west-most store entrance; there are two, separated by about 20 feet.
A beaming teenybopper in a Weggers baseball cap is doling out free samples of diet W-Pop; the Weggers brand sody. I guess Weggers has just started bottling diet.
GrandPop and his flopsy wife wheel up and block my exit, fishing for a free sample.
An “I voted for Dubya” button is on his shirt-collar.
Seeing they’re blocking my exit, GrandPop shoves their loaded wussy-cart unattended into an adjacent outdoor furniture display; chairs and tables akimbo, glass-topped table and umbrella toppling.
“Oh, no matter,” teenybopper beams; “you voted for the greatest president ever.”
She pours diet W-Pop into plastical glasses; “Care for any?”
“Well, since you’re giving out free samples, I’ll have a hot pastrami on rye.”
“Sorry; all I’m passing out is W-Pop.”
“Well I never!” GrandPop shouts. “I might just hafta blow you in to Mary Ellen Burris. Conduct unbecoming a Weggers employee.”
GrandPop was standing his ground; i.e. continuing to block my exit.
I could see a great contretemps beginning, so did a 180 with my cart, and headed through the spray-dampened produce for the other exit.
As I exited the other entrance, GrandPop was angrily shaking his fist at cowering teenybopper, and his flopsy wife was slowly sipping a diet W-Pop creme-sody.
“Now George,” she said.

  • “Mighty Weggers” is Wegmans, a large supermarket-chain based in Rochester we often buy groceries at. They have a store in Canandaigua.
  • A “wussy-cart” is the smallest shopping-cart Wegmans has; a very small cart for daily shoppers. Since they were a new size, my siblings loudly decided they were for wusses.
  • “Mother-Dear” is my mother, deceased. She always used the largest shopping-cart available. A proper REPUBLICAN shopping-cart would hold enough to feed a family-of-five in Bangladesh for an entire month.
  • “Dubya” is George W. Bush, our current president.
  • “Mary Ellen Burris” is the Weggers head PR-person; portrays herself as a consumer-advocate.

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