Friday, January 11, 2008


I’m at the vaunted Canandaigua YMCA.......

.....blasting away on a treadmill.
I’m right next to a virtual bicycle. —I should explain virtual bicycles.
A virtual bicycle is a bicycle exerciser that attempts to duplicate riding a real bicycle — that is: -a) it has a flat-screen video-display driven by a ‘pyooter; -b) the handlebars duplicate a bicycle handlebar: i.e. ya steer; and -c) there is a gear-toggle, so that you can shift gears. (It ain’t the same as a bicycle-shifter; but up is upshift, and down is down-shift.)
Someone is riding the virtual bicycle. It’s playing a course through a redwood forest — one of 25 courses ya can select.
“Sure is nice peddling through this redwood forest, but I gotta watch where I steer so I don’t hit any trees.”
“Woops! I just rode it on the median.”


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