Monday, June 25, 2007

sure enough

I’m walking peacefully down Park St. in Canandaigua. The Canandaigua YMCA is on Park St., and I am returning to my car, which is parked in a small shopping-plaza not far from the YMCA, but on the other side of the railroad-tracks that split the city.
Park St. (a very narrow street) is one-way westbound, the way I’m walking. It T’s at another side-street that parallels the main drag (Canandaigua is a grid), and a driveway to the shopping-plaza angles off the intersection.
Park St. is one-way westbound, so traffic on the side-street can’t turn left (eastbound) onto Park St. — in fact, there’s a large “do-not-enter” sign — so that traffic on the side-street must continue into the shopping-plaza driveway.
So here I am ambling quietly down Park St., I walk beneath the two railroad-bridges (once pictured), and go left into the shopping-plaza driveway.
I am about to cross the driveway, but I see a large Denali-type vehicle approaching the intersection.
Which means do not cross; that vehicle will come down the driveway if it heeds the do-not-enter sign.
Nope; it turned left, and proceeded the wrong way up Park St. (“Do-Not-Enter” signs are for wusses.)
I turned around as it went beneath the two railroad-bridges, and sure enough: Bush-Cheney ‘04.

  • My macho, blowhard brother-in-Boston has a GMC Denali.

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