Sunday, February 18, 2007 beta

Linda is administrator of the Button famblee-site; the Button-Hole — Button is her maiden name: her mother is Dorothea Button (AKA “Big Dorothea”); her only and older brother (who lives in Delray Beach) is Jerry Button.
Jerry has been married numerous times, and has kids from each marriage; although not from the current.
The Button-Hole is unlike FlagOut; in fact, comparatively dead-bro. I.e. no bashing each other over the head; no strident bellowing from all corners of the planet. No noisy posturing, goosestepping, or slinging steaming piles.
In other words, no entertainment for the MyFamblee crew in Utah.
Linda had been e-mailed about a new beta site. That it has numerous new features, and many current features are only being added over time (in other words, it doesn’t compare yet).
Supposedly the new beta has a feature for doing voice-overs — Linda’s reaction is “La-dee-dah.”
What it needs to be like is the blog: upload an entire HTML file with embedded pictures — I upload a complete HTML-file with picture-tables — just like what I threw on GeoCities — and then I upload the piks and attach.
The blog attaches the piks at the beginning of a story, but by doing a picture-table I get to locate the pik where I want it, and do a caption and credit if needed.
Do it their way, and a caption/credit would be in the story; my way and the caption/credit are under the pik (where they belong). All I’m doing is stealing their image-tag and putting it into my table. Look at “Starships” in the blog. That HTML-file is what gets published.
Winter of 2005 I tried to crank an HTML-file into FlagOut and it went all wonky. My HTML-file was conflicting with their HTML, so that pictures were getting tossed all over.
I finally gave up and cranked the story (Cass) on FlagOut that way I’ve always done, and added piks afterward. Tables wouldn’t work.
They want input about the beta: Linda’s is that we should be able to upload an HTML-file (like the blog) without MyFamblee exploding all over the screen.


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