Tuesday, August 29, 2006


RE: Directions.......
The guy I bought the Husky from is a railfan — although I think more model-trains than the real thing.
I gave him the mighty Curve web-cam address, and he watches it all the time.
“I gotta visit that place,” he said to me recently.
I was giving him the Curve brochure, which has the NYC Hudson on the front (horror-of-horrors), and a map inside.
“I could give you directions,” I said, “ but they’d be too complicated.”
“Whatever; Altoona is divided into two halves, north and south of the Hollidaysburg Secondary, which was the Pennsy main in the 1840s before the Curve.”
“Just get yourself north of them tracks, and keep heading west. Eventually you’ll hit 40th St., although you may have to zig and zag around some.”
“40th St. is it. .....All the way to the mighty Curve. Just turn on 40th and head north. It zags all over creation, but eventually you’ll come to it on your right.”


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