Sunday, March 04, 2012


“Thank goodness we didn’t happen to have done our income-tax yet,” my wife said yesterday (Saturday, March 3, 2012).
She was perusing a corrected 1099-R from her pension administrator, which reduced her pension income $19.32.
An accompanying letter apologized profusely for any inconvenience.
Uh sure, a white Econoline Ford van festooned with antennas is across the street, its muscle-bound, buzz-cutted occupants warily eying our house through dark glasses and binoculars.
“How do I know I should trust this one?” she asked.
“Was it done in India by ex-Microsoft employees?”
A reduction in our income of only $19.32 won’t effect our taxes much.
But I know how our government is.
Guilty until proven innocent.
In fact, guilty as adjudged by the media.
“Trying to pull a fast-one, eh? Call Security!
We’ll ruin your reputation; even call in Rush Limbaugh.
Stoke him up with OxyContin so he can froth at his gold-plated microphone.”
The fact the pension administrator made a mistake is insignificant.
They got big-time connections in Washington DC.
They can fish for a bailout.
“Too big to fail. You’re just small potatoes.”


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